What is UKBI?

What is UKBI?


The Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI) is an adaptive test to assess the language mastery and proficiency of Indonesian language speakers. The test design is adjusted to the test takers’ ability estimation, ranging from the lowest level of proficiency to the highest one. It is developed based on the Indonesian language proficiency standards (BPPB Kemendikbudristek, 2021). The test taker will be assessed on five aspects: listening, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking.

Test Overview

The following is a brief description of the test to familiarize students with the order of the section, the number of questions, and the duration.

In the Adaptive UKBI, each test taker will get a different number of questions and test time according to their ability estimation. For example, when test takers encounter Section I Listening, at the initial stage they will be asked to do a testlet comprising five questions. The answers to the five questions will determine the type of the next testlet the test takers will receive, whether easier, similar, or more difficult. When the test takers receive similar testlets twice consecutively, the test will stop. The maximum number of testlets done by the test takers is 8 in the Listening Section within 30 minutes.

After the test takers have finished the Listening Section, they will be automatically directed to Section II, Error Recognition. The test pattern as in Section I will apply to Section II. The answers on the first testlet will determine the type of the next testlet they will receive. The time limit for this section is 25 minutes, and the maximum number of testlets is 5.

When the test stops at a certain testlet in Section II, the test takers will be automatically directed to Section III Reading. The test pattern as in the Section I and II will also apply to

Section III. The maximum number of testlets done by the test takers is 8 in the Reading Section within 45 minutes (BPPB Kemendikbudristek, 2021).

UKBI Score Range

The result of adaptive UKBI is divided into 8 categories or grades. The following is a general description of each category (BPPB Kemendikbudristek, 2022).

Grade I, Distinction (Istimewa), Score 725—800

The test taker has perfect communication skills in Indonesian in both oral and writing. The test taker does not have any problems communicating for personal, social, professional, and

scientific purposes.

Grade II, Very Good (Sangat Unggul), Score 641—724

The test taker demonstrates high proficiency in communicating in Indonesian, both oral and writing. The test taker does not have any problems communicating for survival, social and professional purposes. However, the test taker’s ability is still limited for complex academic purposes.

Grade III, Good (Unggul), Score 578—640

The test taker demonstrates sufficient communication skills in Indonesian, both oral and writing. The test taker does not have any problems communicating for survival and social purposes. The test taker does not have any problems in communicating for professional purposes, in both simple and complex settings.

Grade IV, Average (Madya), Score 482—577 The test taker demonstrates sufficient communication skills in Indonesian, both oral and writing. The test taker does not have any problems communicating for survival and social purposes. However, the test taker’s ability is still limited for communicating for professional

purposes in complex settings.

Grade V, Mediocre (Semenjana), Score 405—481 The test taker demonstrates sufficient communication skills in Indonesian, both oral and writing. The test taker’s ability is very limited to communicate for scientific purposes. The test taker’s ability to communicate is also limited for complex professional and social purposes but shows no difficulty in communicating for simple professional and social purposes.

Grade VI, Marginal (Marjinal), Score 326—404 The test taker demonstrates insufficient communication skills in Indonesian, both oral and writing. The test taker has no problem communicating for simple social purposes. However, the test taker still has problems communicating for complex social purposes. Thus, the test taker is not proficient enough in communicating for professional and scientific purposes.

Grade VII, Limited (Terbatas), Score 251—325 The test taker demonstrates highly insufficient communication skills in Indonesian, both oral and writing. The test taker is only able to communicate for social purposes. The test taker has room for improvement.